the transformation accelerator

Getting expert support is the fastest way to get measurable results in your business, without the stress and guesswork of doing it all alone.

3 Months of Strategic Action, Mindset & Energy
…to build and grow your dream business

with Shirley Elizabeth

What You’ll Gain…

Understanding that the way you think makes a massive difference to your outcomes is key.

With a background in Psychology, and as an NLP Master Practitioner, I will work with you to make sure that your confidence flows, and you live from a state of abundance.

Together, we will work to create your brilliant and achievable goals, and carve out the path for you to get there.

You will gain clarity, confidence and courage to take action and grow your dream business, and a skill-set to carry this success forward in the long-term.

Are you ready to get started?

What we will explore…



You will learn the proven and effective strategies to reach your goals and how to optimise them to achieve your goals in less time, and with more ease.

Strategic action, clear messaging and effective marketing ensures you’ll drive tangible results and sustained success.



The success of any business is 80% down to the owner’s mindset and energy. Inside this program you will receive personalised coaching, where each week I will meet you exactly where you are at, and help you gain clarity, direction and confidence to take action, so you start to achieve things you only thought you’d dream of!



You will be coached to build an impactful and profitable business with more ease and flow, that will bring you more joy.
I’m an expert at helping my clients unlock and tap into the unique strengths and energy to create success without the hustle, and more heart!

the transformation accelerator

Here’s what’s included


Personalised Strategy Development: With in-depth business and personal assessment, custom-tailored growth strategies, clear roadmap for implementation


Operational Overhaul: Process optimisation & workflow automation


Market Positioning & Brand Enhancement: Competitive analysis, brand identity refinement & target market expansion


Sales & Marketing Boost: Advanced sales techniques, digital marketing strategies, lead generation and conversion optimisation


3 powerful coaching and mentoring video calls (45 mins) where you will have your 1:1 personalised session with Shirley


6 accountability sessions, for you to be supported with your mindset and the strategy you need to hit your goals.


Access to the full 'Blogging for SEO' course


PLUS connect with Shirley via Telegram

The process


We begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your unique challenges, aspirations, and business goals.


I will conduct a thorough analysis of your business, market position, and growth potential, alongside a personal growth assessment.

strategic planning

We’ll develop a customised plan of action, addressing key areas for both business and personal mindset improvement.


Throughout the 90 days, I’ll work closely with you to implement the strategies, offering hands-on support and guidance.


Regular check-ins and performance reviews ensure that we stay on track and make necessary adjustments to optimise results.

review & next steps

At the end of the program, we’ll conduct a final assessment and provide recommendations for continued success.

the investment

Three Payments of £625

or save 70 with

One Payment of £1785 (£595 p/m)

& why work with me?

I’ve been working closely with business women for years, taking their businesses from steady to thriving.

I know what I’m doing. I customise my strategies to fit the unique needs and goals of each business.

I’ve worked with women to identify new revenue streams and move them onto new, complementary sectors, and where possible, opening up new markets segments, bringing in new clients.

I have a background in psychology, and am also a certified NLP Master Practitioner, so can help implement strategies that will really resonate with your intended audience.

success stories

“She makes it so easy to understand”

I’ve now implemented Shirley’s strategies into 3 of my businesses, and each one has generated revenue. I’m in new markets, and have doubled my client base.

Jay, past client

“I’ve achieved goals I wouldn’t have set”

I’d lost some confidence working on my own for so long, and quickly regained that working with Shirley. I have now reached goals that I wouldn’t even have set.

helen, past client

“I’ve actually won an award!”

Getting my business to the place I knew it could reach has been life-changing. AND I’ve literally just won a business award for it! I don’t know if I would have achieved this alone.

Kate, past client

the transformation accelerator

STOP wasting time & energy and START making money & impact through your profitable, purposeful business.
Need More Confidence?

A different way of thinking to start your day can make a massive impact, not only to your confidence levels, but also your productivity.

Just sign up to the 5-day programme your transformation...

I have now worked to create 100’s of strong and beautiful brands, working alongside all of these fabulous women, giving them the means to take their businesses all the way to the next level. Let’s make yours the next one.

I look forward to working with you x