90-day plan

The Transformation Accelerator

This is the place for women who are ready to transform their businesses more quickly than they could do working on their own.

The 90-day accelerator covers all aspects of my services, as well as accountability sessions, and mindset programmes to set you on the right path to transform your business in just 3-months.

The transformation will help you not only in your business life, but in all areas of your life, as you will learn new productivity boosters, new ways of approaching problems, a completely new outlook on money and sales, and develop a new-found confidence that will allow you to move from OK, to thriving.

Don’t get stuck in the short grass…

Sometimes we’re so busy running our businesses, that we forget our goals and the bigger picture.

It’s hard work, right? Trying to juggle every single role, switching seamlessly between each task and area of expertise. And that’s before you even start providing your actual service…

Having someone by your side for 3-months, can allow you to see the wood, as well as the trees, usually for the first time in a long time.

If you are really ready to take your business from where it’s at, to where it should be, then you are in the right place.

Time to remember why you started?


The Transformation Accelerator

A fast tracked business acceleration program, tailored for you, and your business.

The Accelerator will look at ways of opening up new revenue streams, and where we can get you to be a leading position of authority in your industry,

Start your journey to a more profitable business, a more seamless workflow, more tangible goals with measurable results, and an improved confidence and outlook that will mean you not only gain more productivity, but thrive in your new-found potential.

The process

step one

We start with a consultation call to find out about you and your business, and make sure that the Transformation Accelerator is right for you, and you’re ready to move your business up a level.

step two

We identify and setup goals and targets, and map out the path to reach them. We create a timetable setting out all of our sub goals, as well as setting out our analysis meetings to make sure we’re on track.

step three

Step-by-step implementation. We work closely together through each stage of our plan, and celebrate every little win along the way.
We measure the results, and tweak where necessary.

& why work with me?

I’ve been working closely with business women for years, taking their businesses from steady to thriving.

I know what I’m doing.

I’ve worked with women to identify new revenue streams and move them onto new, complementary sectors, where possible, opening up new markets segments, and bringing in new clients.

I am also a certified NLP Master Practitioner, and so can help implement strategies that will really resonate with your intended audience.

Need More Confidence?

A different way of thinking to start your day can make a massive impact, not only to your confidence levels, but also your productivity.

Just sign up to the 5-day programme here...watch your transformation...

I have now worked to create 100’s of strong and beautiful brands, working alongside all of these fabulous women, giving them the means to take their businesses all the way to the next level. Let’s make yours the next one.

I look forward to working with you x